What Are Some 今年冬天防止软水器结冰的小贴士?



每个季节都会给我们的家带来不同的担忧. 在严寒的冬天,我们面临着管道结冰的危险 软水器 单位,这是一场噩梦. The more you know ahead of time, the better prepared you can be to avoid such a situation. Keep reading for some helpful tips on preventing your 软水器 unit from freezing.



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One of the simplest ways to keep your 软水器 from freezing in the winter is to insulate it. Wrapping it in foam or fiberglass insulation will usually be enough to keep the water inside liquid during relatively mild winters.

Another useful approach here is to feed warm water directly into the 软水器. 这加上绝缘将做很多, especially if you also insulate the space where your softener is set up. Adding foam insulation to your garage or crawlspace isn’t just going to keep your 软水器 from freezing; it’s also going to help reduce your energy bills.


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Insulate it; Keep the Space Warm; Drain the System Before Leaving

Some tips to prevent your 软水器 from freezing would be to insulate the unit with insulation blankets or foam, 用隔热胶带封住管道.

如果你的软水机在较冷的地方,比如地下室或车库, 试着用暖气片来保持房间的温暖. 不过,要小心避免火灾危险.

Lastly, if you’re going away for a while and it won’t be in use, drain the system before leaving. This will prevent the freezing and expansion of water inside, which would damage the unit.

Zhelyazko Yanchev

管道专业 at .


1. 让水开着
Winterising your 软水器 is essential to prevent it from being harmed by the cold because a frozen 软水器 won’t function. When water is flowing, connections on 软水器s are less likely to freeze. 如果你打算离开家几天, 考虑让厨房的水龙头微微滴水. By using this method, you can avoid having to deal with burst 软水器 pipes.

2. 使用保护性绝缘
You can buy or make an insulating box to save energy and protect the resin tank. You can make your own insulating box with insulated sheets of plumbing insulation. Insulating tank jackets are sold by certain manufacturers that spare you the trouble of building an insulating box from scratch.

3. 关上车库门
许多人在他们的车库里安装了软水器. Maintaining your equipment at a temperature above 0 degrees Celsius is essential. You cannot use space heaters effectively if the garage door is left open. 为了保证系统的可靠运行,请在离开家后立即关闭它.

4. 排水并断开水软化剂的连接
If you don’t plan to use your 软水器 during the winter months or you’re going to be away for a long period of time, 你可能想把它完全吸干并断开连接. 当使用室外软水机时,这是最好的做法. 你可以清空软水机的水箱,这样做, you can prevent the freezing of your drain hose and 软水器 tank.

5. 向专业人士寻求帮助
Getting your 软水器 inspected by a qualified professional is a good idea, 特别是如果你打算在冬天把水抽干并断开. A technician should typically evaluate common wear and tear components like pistons, 屏幕, 在一年中的这个时候,你的整个系统都会密封. It’s also advised to replace pre- and system filters before reconnecting your device in the spring.

6. 冬天用一个你会一直使用的软水器
有了合适的补给, you can quickly get your 软水器 system ready for freezing temperatures. Visit your local hardware store to buy pipe insulating wrap that will fit around the connectors on your 软水器. Heat-safe tapes, cables, or zip ties can be used to secure the materials surrounding pipes. To examine the procedure more closely, adhere to the five steps listed below:

—在其中一根管子上包上保温层. 两边都要用包裹物覆盖;
– Using your favorite tape or cable, firmly attach the materials to the surface;
– For every pipe that leads to and from the 软水器, repeat the procedure.

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